This is a quilt I made for Mum for her Carvan using only my stash, and Annie Downs "Family Gathering" pattern. Instead of applicate the pictures I did them as stitcheries. It's a bit colourful, but it matches Mum and she loves it.
Here's a wall hanging.
The pattern comes from a magazine.
(I can't remember what one)
Here's a wall hanging I made of our Home.
I copied the House Plans from 1925 onto some
Calico and use royal blue thread on the Stitchery.
Here's my other son's "Hot Wheels" Quilt. The off centre layout and the odd square is because of the wonderful help I received from him and he helped the the cutting and layout. At 8 he was very keen to help and it was his quilt, which he loves.
Here's a Lap Quilt I made for my son. It's a "Lunar Jim" Quilt.